Why is it important to protect your privacy online?

Pourquoi protéger ses données

It’s true, we’ll tell you again, and you probably know it, but protecting your life online is important. But have we explained why? Here’s the […]

23 January 2024

It’s true, we’ll tell you again, and you probably know it, but protecting your life online is important. But have we explained why? Here’s the four-point explanation:

  • To avoid targeted advertising and spam that can degrade your online experience,
  • To ensure that your personal data is not sold or shared with third parties, without your consent,
  • To warn you of malicious Internet users if your data were to fall into their hands,
  • So you don’t get stuck in an information bubble that limits your access to different points of view.

That’s why Qwant exists! Qwant is the search engine that doesn’t know anything about you:

  • No collection of personal data, therefore no tracking and no sale of this data,
  • Contextual advertising, based solely on the search carried out at a given time and not based on your advertising profile,
  • Unbiased research results, the same for everyone.

Try it on desktop and mobile (iOS and Android)

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image by jcomp on Freepik

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Protected browsing, enhanced privacy