Qwant announces the arrival of two new talents in its management team. Flore Blanchard-Dignac and Laurent Ach will take up the key positions of Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Technical Officer respectively.
Qwant announces the arrival of two new talents in its management team. Flore Blanchard-Dignac and Laurent Ach will take up the key positions of Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Technical Officer respectively.
Three new talents, experts in their field and convinced that respecting personal data on the Web is a necessity, are joining Qwant’s new management team, alongside Corinne Lejbowicz, President, and Raphaël Auphan, Managing Director, in charge since June 2021.
Flore Blanchard-Dignac joined Qwant at the beginning of January 2022 as the Chief Marketing Officer. She began her career at Colgate-Palmolive where she worked for ten years in the Sales and Marketing units. She managed the marketing department of the Colgate brand for Western Europe. Then she decided to move into the technology industry and joined Amazon to develop payment products. For Qwant, her mission will be to lead the marketing strategy of the company, to develop the brand’s positions and to accelerate the development of the audience in France and in Europe.
“For me, Qwant is the French and European spearhead of tomorrow’s digital world, which is more transparent and in which Internet users can make their own choices. Already 4.5 million French people use it every month, and I am delighted to be able to contribute to this development. There are exciting challenges ahead, not only in terms of anchoring and making visible the brand’s positioning, but also in terms of education and accessibility to data privacy. I am very happy to join this pioneering team!”
“Flore will play a strategic role at Qwant over the next few years. Thanks to her multifaceted profile, combining several significant experiences within radically different companies, Flore has convinced us with her perfect understanding of the strategic challenges facing Qwant. We have full confidence in her ability to contribute to Qwant’s long-term growth,” said Corinne Lejbowicz and Raphaël Auphan, Chairman and CEO of Qwant.
Laurent Ach is the new Chief Technical Officer of Qwant, in position since January 2022. Engineer from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon, expert in machine learning and passionate about artificial intelligence, Laurent Ach has a strong background in technology management. After fifteen years working as a software developer and technical leader on industrial projects, he became technical director of Living Actor and of Rakuten France. He also created the European team of Rakuten Institute of Technology, which has contributed to many innovations in the field of machine learning and deep learning for e-commerce.
“I started developing and producing machine learning components in the 90’s, and I have witnessed a rapid evolution in the use of digital data, which we must now mastered. At Qwant, excellent technical teams are at the service of values that I share and I am looking forward to working with them on many technological challenges.
“It is true that many challenges await Laurent and his teams! For the development of our search engine in particular, technical skills are absolutely central. Laurent’s intellectual and technical background and experience have shown that he is perfectly suited to the position. We are counting on him to consolidate the technical infrastructure, improve the quality of results and, above all, innovate in terms of functionalities to make Qwant a constantly evolving search engine, capable of anticipating users’ expectations,” add Corinne Lejbowicz and Raphaël Auphan.
Amélie Mathieu started her professional career at Arthur Andersen, then at the Société Générale Corporate and Investment Banking (SGCIB) as an auditor and later as a management controller. She then joined the finance department of Rothschild and worked for several years within the Mind group as CFO and Advisory Board Member. At Qwant, her mission will be to support the company in its growth and development.
“Qwant’s project has a strong societal interest and is very important these days. I am very happy to join committed teams and to bring all my energy to help meet the challenges ahead.”
“We are delighted to welcome Amélie to our team. With her experience in positions of responsibility in major groups, she will be a real asset in supporting Qwant’s development. In addition to her financial experience, Amélie will also bring to the team her expertise in the transformation of innovative companies, which is now more than ever a real differentiating factor in our market,” said Corinne Lejbowicz and Raphaël Auphan, Chairman and CEO of Qwant.