For the second edition of the Christchurch call to action created following the attacks of March 15, 2019 against the Muslim community of Christchurch in New Zealand, Jean-Claude Ghinozzi, CEO of Qwant, was able to carry Qwant’s word on Friday, May 14, in the presence of 15 heads of state.
The Christchurch Call is a commitment by governments and tech companies to remove terrorist and violent extremist content online. It is based on the belief that a free, open and secure internet offers extraordinary benefits to society. Respect for freedom of expression is fundamental. However, no one has the right to create and share terrorist and violent extremist content online.
The Internet is a fabulous playground for exchanges, knowledge sharing and openness to the world. However, algorithms should not be an accelerator of the spread of violent content online.
In the presence of 15 Heads of State and the world’s largest digital players, Jean-Claude Ghinozzi was able to speak for Qwant in favor of a web that respects privacy, neutrally and impartial:
“Our Christchurchcall community is fundamental. Because our responsibilities are total.
Fake News, filter bubbles, digital prison, radicalization. Can we be proud of our web?
I think so. Even if the worst is possible, it is good to remember that there is an alternative web, a better web.
Together, big and small, we know how to provide a safe and open internet.
At Qwant, within our European search engine, we consider three values to be self-evident: privacy, neutrality and impartiality. They make it possible to build a better web, a healthier digital ecosystem, and above all to limit intellectual confinement.
One point is to proclaim these three values. Another point is to serve them correctly.
This is what Qwant does.
Qwant is the search engine, since the France, that respects your privacy.
We never record your searches. Qwant never uses your personal data for advertising or other purposes.
I repeat this because it may seem unusual in today’s digital ecosystem: we do not use personal data for advertising or other purposes.
Second, neutrality. We provide our users with results
Unbiased: We will never shape or control your thoughts and beliefs. No bias, no bubble filter that distorts reality and hinders your ability to make balanced decisions.
Finally, impartiality. Our algorithms are applied in the same way everywhere and for every user. It is a question of respect and equality of opportunity. We want the Web to be visible everywhere, without any discrimination.
With Qwant, you are not a prisoner of algorithms or a victim of self-propaganda.
We believe in a better Web.
A better web is a human right. Let’s claim it! And as a famous commercial says: Just Do It!”
For more information on the Christchurch Call to Action commitments, click here.