#BetterWeb 09: Jacques Attali – Qwant must help fight fake news

For this new episode, we are pleased to welcome an exceptional guest in the person of Jacques Attali!

18 September 2023

Several times a month, we will receive a web expert to discuss what could be improved. Hence the name, #BetterWeb!

For this new episode, we are pleased to welcome an exceptional guest in the person of Jacques Attali! In his new book “Media Stories: from smoke signals to social networks, and after”, he denounces the phenomenon of ideological confinement that social networks can cause, without denying their usefulness. Jacques Attali speaks in favor of controlling the giants of the web and the emergence of competitors.

And Qwant’s role in building a #BetterWeb? He believes that Qwant must become a fact-checking instrument, capable of automating the verification of information and presenting, as a priority to the user, the verified content.

#BetterWeb is a program of Qwant, the search engine that respects your privacy.

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