#BetterWeb 01: Adrien Taquet – how to protect children from the dangers of the web?

Several times a month, we will receive a web expert to discuss what could be improved. Hence the name, #BetterWeb!

18 September 2023

It’s time to reveal a project we’ve been working on for a while… Several times a month, we will receive a web expert to discuss what could be improved. Hence the name, #BetterWeb!

In the first episode, Adrien Taquet, Secretary of State for Children and Families at the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, shares his vision of a better Web. He introduces us to the jeprotegemonenfant.gouv.fr platform, which offers a series of content and tools to combat the exposure of minors to pornography. The protection of the youngest from the dangers of the web is an essential issue for Qwant. That’s also why we created Qwant Junior, the search engine that protects children. On Qwant Junior, children find age-appropriate content and can explore the web safely.

#BetterWeb is a program of Qwant, the search engine that respects your privacy.

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