Qwant joins the international call to action to defend children’s rights in the digital environment
On November 11, Qwant and its President, Corinne Lejbowicz, responded to the initiative launched by President Emmanuel Macron by participating in the 4th edition of the Paris Peace Forum.
Increasing inequalities, climate change, but also digital transformation: threats to world peace, offline and online, now cross borders and call for coordinated responses from States, digital platforms and associations.
It is to respond to this new situation that the Paris Peace Forum was launched in 2018. It brings together the various global actors mobilized and highlights solutions and tools capable of mitigating conflicts in the world.
Aware that the place of digital technology in our connected lives is incommensurate with that it occupied at the time of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 November 1989, President Emmanuel Macron has chosen this year to put the fate of children in the digital environment, at the heart of the discussions, with the launch of a call to action by France and UNICEF entitled “Defending children’s rights in the digital environment”, of which Qwant is a signatory.
Because the youngest are still too often on the front line, this participation is part of our contribution approach to the Secretary of State Cédric O and Adrien Taquet, respectively in charge of Digital Transition and Electronic Communications of France, and in charge of Child Protection, to fight against cyberbullying, hate speech, or psychosocial disorders.
With this call, we are committed with most major digital platforms, to support a series of actions that will allow children to use digital tools safely and enjoy their full potential, without being exposed to abuse.
This is why, aware of the need to protect them by offering them adapted tools, we have been acting since 2015 with Qwant Junior. This search engine for 6-12 year olds sifts the results so as not to expose children to violent, hateful or inappropriate content.
For us, the call to action we signed could not be clearer:
Children also have the right to a Better Web!
Discover Qwant Junior, our search engine suitable for children from 6 to 12 years old.
Discover the call to action we signed.
You can watch the full ceremony of the Paris Peace Forum 2021 below.