
Ethics and transparency: How does Qwant respect your privacy?

At Qwant, protecting your privacy is an integral part of our DNA and our commitments. Whenever we envision a new feature, service or partnership, we ask ourselves how best to do so without collecting or transmitting any personal data.

23 October 2020

At Qwant, protecting your privacy is an integral part of our DNA and our commitments. Whenever we envision a new feature, service or partnership, we ask ourselves how best to do so without collecting or transmitting any personal data. When it is not technically possible, we work to apply the strictest measures to this data to prevent it from being diverted to track you, or to make personalized and targeted advertising.

We do not want to change our results based on your gender, income, age, or political views, and the advertisers we work with are those who understand the importance of not discriminating against our users. They accept and adopt this ethical approach of respecting their customers by not seeking to intrude on their privacy in order to sell them more.

These commitments have always been ours, even before the adoption by the European Parliament of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We want to go as far as possible in preserving the confidentiality of your research, which is your business only, and we want to apply the legal principles set out in the GDPR with the utmost rigor.

We are convinced that Qwant must be exemplary both in terms of legal rigor in the interpretation of the European regulation, and in terms of transparency on all the processing we have to perform in order to show you the results you expect. The trust you place in us must be based on a true knowledge of the few data that Qwant and its partners must receive in order to provide the requested services, and of the measures that we implement to prevent them from being misappropriated and used for example for advertising profiling or targeted political marketing, which we refuse in all circumstances.

We owe you this standard of sincerity, accuracy and transparency. This is why you can see in our new Privacy Policy that we refuse to pretend that all data processed by Qwant is all “anonymized”, unlike other competing services that never explain how the same data is supposedly made anonymous.

After discussions on this subject with the CNIL and its experts, and after taking full measure of the very strict criteria imposed by the European authorities to be able to say that data is perfectly and forever “anonymous” (without any possibility to trace it back to a single user), it seemed more accurate to say that the data on which we apply our measures to protect your privacy are “pseudonymized”.

In practice, we have not changed a single line of code and we do not process any additional data. Our commitments to you remain firm and strictly identical: we do not do personalized advertising, we preserve the neutrality of our search results, we do not do any profiling related to your search history. And you have access to full details about what data we need and what we do to ensure that this commitment to your privacy is fully respected.

We owe this transparency and sincerity to you on this subject as on others. It is part of our commitments for today and for the future.

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