GAFAM play a very important role in our digital lives. They monopolize the largest audience shares on their services and leave little room for alternatives, […]
GAFAM play a very important role in our digital lives. They monopolize the largest audience shares on their services and leave little room for alternatives, even though they exist and are numerous.
What if tomorrow you decided to do without Google? Here are our tips for alternatives to Google:
Switching browsers is easy and there is no shortage of alternatives: Firefox has a strong data privacy policy, which makes it a very good alternative.
If you want a sovereign browser, we can only recommend Opera, which recently released a new, more innovative version of its browser. You won’t be disappointed! Moreover, Opera offers a browser that directly integrates Qwant as the default search engine.
Do we really have to advise you to use Qwant ? We’re going to do it anyway, because in terms of personal data protection, we can’t do better in Europe. Then let’s go install Qwant on your new browser.
Two other European alternatives that are interesting on the market are Ecosia and Lilo, both of which have a societal action approach.
For a secure email that protects your privacy, we recommend Proton Mail, a Swiss service. Proton Mail uses end-to-end encryption, securing all your communications.
Another alternative: Mailo, which respects privacy, and also offers a Junior version, an educational, fun and secure e-mail service for 6-14 year olds.
To replace your Google drive, we have the best alternative, that of our ally, Shadow, which offers up to 20 GB of storage with Shadow Drive for free. What else?
Proton, in addition to its email services, also offers a drive-through solution that protects its users’ personal data.
Of course, there are alternatives to GoogleMaps and Waze (yes, behind Waze there is also Google). Our two French companies, Mappy and ViaMichelin, both present relevant alternatives to accompany you on all your travels.
You now have in your hands, all the keys to be able to do without Google. What are you waiting for?
Source: Freepik